Students with 3 or more unexcused absences, and or 4 or more Tardies/Lates will be placed on Activity Hold.
- Activity Hold means the students will not be able to attend any school sponsored social or extracurricular event. This includes dances, athletic events, concerts, clubs, spirit bowl, theater events, or any other social activity at the school. If a student is on a team or part of a performing group, they will not be eligible to participate while on Activity Hold.
- Attendance Recovery – Students may be taken off the Activity Hold with improved attendance and/or by the completion of an attendance recovery contract. o A student may be removed from Activity Hold if the student has no unexcused absences, Tardies (Ts) or Lates (Ls) for 10 consecutive school days, or when they complete an attendance recovery contract. It will be the student’s responsibility to initiate the removal of Activity Hold by meeting with an administrator during lunch or before school and creating and fulfilling an attendance recovery contract. In addition to improved attendance, an attendance contract may include: Tutoring, School Service via school clubs and student government sponsored activities, Meeting with a guidance counselor for graduation check Completion of attendance lessons on Canvas module.
- If a student is absent from class, that absence must be excused by the parent or guardian within 10 days of the absence. Absences can be excused by parents or guardians on the West High website, under the Student tab.
- School activity absences (field trips, athletic events, etc.) will be marked excused by office staff for students approved to participate in school sponsored events that take place during the school day.
- Tardy/Late excusal slips will be available in the main office, student services office, guidance center, and front hall for students with parent or teacher notes excusing the student for arriving tardy/late for class.