School Procedures
For West High's attendance and red card policy, please contact our main office at (801) 578-8500 for information.
West High School Procedures
All West High clothing items, uniforms, social media, and other products should comply with the official West High branding guide. The branding guide covers logos, colors, font types, and is located on the school website.
The primary colors for West High are West Red (hex code #cb2027) and Panther Black (hex code #000000). The secondary colors are True White (hex code #ffffff) and West Grey (hex code #4d4d4d).
The primary logo for West High is the red block W. All others are secondary logos.
Here is the West High School branding guide.
At West High School, Academic Integrity means that students engage authentically in their scholarly aims and act with honesty. As a result, students will be more knowledgeable, dedicated, and trustworthy. Academic integrity improves the West High shared culture for everyone.
Inauthentic academic behaviors include:
· Cheating, (e.g., copying others' work, using prohibited material or devices);
· Dishonest Cooperation or Collusion, (e.g., having others secretly complete the work for you, or relying on other group members to complete the task); and
· Plagiarism, (e.g., using other people's work, words, or specific ideas as your own without citing them).
Academic dishonesty will be investigated at a teacher level and potentially an administrative level. The consequences will be commensurate with the individual situation.
Here is the Salt Lake City School District’s Board Policy I-8 on Student Progress And Academic Achievement.
Here is the Salt Lake City School District’s Board Policy S-3 on Student Conduct And Discipline.
Students are graded by teachers within each course. Teachers will provide a syllabus when classes begin. The syllabus will clarify each class’s grading scale. Canvas is synched to PowerSchool and scores are transferred between the platforms. Sometimes there is a delay or error in the upload from Canvas to PowerSchool. Please contact teachers if there are questions about grades in PowerSchool.
Here is the Salt Lake City School District’s Board Policy I-8 on Student Progress And Academic Achievement.
Here is the Salt Lake City School District’s Board Policy S-3 on Student Conduct And Discipline.
Our goal is to establish a school culture of support and accountability, among students and adults, throughout West High School. Attendance in school and participation in classes are crucial pieces of learning and development. Consistent attendance helps students develop habits that are important in school and in the future. Therefore, students are expected to attend all of their classes, every school day.
Attendance is marked during every class and can be seen by students and guardians in PowerSchool. The following codes are entered by teachers:
· [blank] – Present (when a student is present for class, their attendance is blank)
· A – Absent (student did not attend the class, remains coded as A until excused)
· L – Late (student arrived up to 10 minutes after the bell)
· T – Tardy (student arrives more than 10 minutes after the bell)
· X – Excused Late or Tardy (student arrives late or tardy but with an excusal from an office)
The following codes are entered by office staff or administration:
· R – Released (school sponsored activity, excused)
· S – Suspension (suspension)
· E – Excused absence (excused by a parent or guardian)
· O – Out of class (receiving school services)
Students will be on Activity Hold if they meet any of the following:
1. two T’s (tardies) or L’s (lates) in a class;
2. two A’s (absences) in a class;
3. have more than one F grade; and/or
4. their GPA drops below a 2.0.
What is Activity Hold?
Activity Hold means the student will not be able to attend any school sponsored social or extracurricular event. This includes dances, athletic events, concerts, clubs, spirit bowl, theater events, or any other extracurricular activity at the school. If a student is on a team or part of a performing group, they will not be eligible to participate while on Activity Hold.
How do students get off Activity Hold?
Students get off Activity Hold by:
· having their parent / guardian excuse any unexcused absences;
· improving any failing grades;
· moving their GPA above 2.0; and / or
· meeting with their administrator or counselor to create (and then fulfill) a contract that involves a plan for improvement in attendance, grades, or both.
After a student is off Activity Hold, when the meet the criteria again, they will automatically be moved back onto Activity Hold.
If a student is absent from class and their attendance is marked A (for Absent), that absence must be excused by the parent, guardian, or caregiver within 10 days of the absence. Student absences can be excused by a parent, guardian, or caregiver by visiting the West High website.
School activity absences (field trips, athletic events, etc.) will be marked Released by office staff for students approved to participate in school sponsored events that take place during the school day.
Tardy/Late excusal slips will be available in the Main Office, Student Services, and Guidance Center for students with parent / guardian notes excusing the student for arriving tardy/late for class. Students must arrive with the parent / guardian excuse note – tardies/lates cannot be excused after the fact.
Students are expected have eight classes on their schedule. If seniors and juniors want to add Work Release or Home Release for first or fourth period, they can apply in the Guidance Center. Students who have Work Release or Home Release must be off campus during those class periods.
Here is the Salt Lake City School District’s Board Policy S-4 on Student Attendance.
Here is the Salt Lake City School District’s Board Policy S-3 on Student Conduct And Discipline.
This dress code was created in collaboration among parents, teachers, students, and administrators. We believe our dress code reflects our vision statement and supports an inclusive learning environment. At West, we are accepted, appreciated, validated, and give fair treatment. Situations involving religious, medical, or health exemptions will be respected and accommodated. Some activities, events, and classes will have specific clothing and/or shoe requirements for safety reasons. Adults will tell us when specific attire is necessary to keep us safe. School administration is responsible for the reinforcement and interpretation of West’s code. The West community is responsible for reinforcement and encouragement of West’s dress code.
At West, we are fully dressed. This includes a clothing top and bottom that covers nudity.
· Clothing tops have a front, back, and sides. It is okay if midriffs show.
· Clothing bottoms are pants, sweatpants, shorts, skirts, dresses, or leggings. It is okay for underwear waistbands to show.
At West, we wear shoes.
At West, we can wear hats. Our faces cannot be covered or hidden by head attire unless worn for religious, health, or medical reasons.
At West, we chose safe forms of self-expression. We do not wear clothing that depicts hate or violence. Our clothing does not show illegal or inappropriate images/behavior/language.
At West, we have choice in our hairstyle. Colors, styles, and other self-expressions shared through hairstyle are allowed.
At West, we can use a backpack all day, including in the classrooms. Backpacks and bags must be of average sizes, so they take up reasonable space in the classrooms.
At West, we can wear:
- Tank tops, crop tops, and sleeveless tops
- Flip flop shoes, open-toed shoes
- Backpacks
- Hats
- Pajamas
- Ripped clothing
- Athletic attire
- Fitted clothing
- Hoodies
At West, we cannot wear:
- Gang attire
- Swimsuits
- Underwear as our outer top or bottom clothing
- Images or language:
- Related to illegal items or activities (this includes drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vaping)
- That promotes hate or violence
- That uses profanity or obscenity
- That are sexual or pornographic
- That creates a hostile or intimidating environment based on any protected class
If we do not follow our dress code, we will be given clothing that does or directions to modify our attire. If we do not want to wear the clothing provided or follow directions in modifying our attire, we are refusing to follow dress code policy. Our families are called in this situation, and we will be put into “in school detention” the remainder of the day. We understand that the first and second times we do not follow dress code and will not comply with directions or wear clothing that is offered, we are placed into “in school detention”. Our third time is considered “out of school suspension”. Any further times we are sent home, it will be handled more severely following our district’s S-3 policy.
Here is the Salt Lake City School District’s Board Policy S-5 on Dress Code.
Here is the Salt Lake City School District’s Board Policy S-3 on Student Conduct And Discipline.
The purpose of the West High School cell phone policy is to support a focused and engaging learning experience for all students. This policy is designed to minimize distractions, encourage face-to-face interactions, and ensure that all students can fully engage in learning.
Cell Phone Usage:
- During Class Time: Students are not permitted to use cell phones during class time. This includes texting, calling, browsing the internet, and using social media or other apps.
- In the Classroom: Cell phones must be out of sight, and/or stored in a designated area (e.g., a backpack or a cell phone holder provided by the teacher) during class.
- Accommodations: Students with specific accommodation listed in their IEP, 504, medical plan, or school developed support plan will be allowed access to their cell phones during class time, within the limits of their accommodation.
- First Offense: The teacher will give a verbal warning and may require the student to place their cell phone in a designated area for the remainder of the class.
- Second Offense: The cell phone will be confiscated for the duration of the class, and parents will be notified.
- Repeated Offenses: Continued violations will result a referral to administration.
Supportive Measures:
- Educational Support: Teachers will provide engaging and interactive learning experiences that minimize the need for distractions and keep students focused on their learning.
- Digital Detox Initiatives: The school will promote "Digital Detox" days and activities that encourage students to disconnect from their devices and engage in face-to-face interactions, and other enriching activities.
This policy aims to create a classroom environment where students can focus on learning without the distraction of cell phones. The benefits of this policy include:
- Improved Academic Performance: Reduced distractions help students concentrate better on their lessons, leading to improved comprehension and academic achievement.
- Enhanced Social Skills: By minimizing cell phone use, students are encouraged to engage more with their peers and teachers, fostering better communication and interpersonal skills.
- Increased Participation: Without the distraction of cell phones, students are more likely to participate actively in class discussions and activities.
- Respectful Learning Environment: The policy promotes a culture of respect and attentiveness, where students can fully benefit from the educational opportunities provided.
Parking passes are required to park in any of the parking lots on the West High campus on school days from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students can purchase parking passes in the treasurer’s office.
Student parking lots are located far south of the seminary parking lot, west of the field house, and west of the stadium. Student parking lots are marked with signs.
Teacher and staff parking lots are located to the south of the seminary building, west of the tech wing, and the north parking lot. Teacher and staff parking lots are marked with signs. Visitor parking spots are located in the north parking lot and are marked with signs.
Cars parked in West High parking lots without the correct parking pass clearly visible in the windshield will be given warning and parking violation stickers. This includes students parked in teacher and staff lots or in visitor spots. West High uses large, green, obnoxious parking stickers that are placed on the driver’s window when a car is parked without a parking pass that corresponds to the parking lot.
West High School is dedicated to upholding a safe, welcoming, and productive learning environment for all students and adults. If a student ever feels unsafe or disrespected by another individual, they may opt to try to restore the situation directly with the people involved through non-violent dialogue. If that does not work, or the student does not feel capable or safe repairing the situation themselves, the student may report the situation to a trusted adult, teacher, counselor, or administrator for help to find a resolution.
All violent situations or credible threats of violence should be reported immediately to an adult at West High. Please be mindful of the exact location and time of the incident. If it is an online situation, please take screenshots.
The adults at West High will follow district policies when navigating an appropriate course of action to resolve the situation. If a student or parent/guardian is not satisfied with the result, district policy stipulates how to escalate the situation.
West High teachers will have clear expectations posted in the classroom or their classroom syllabus. It is the responsibility of the student to review them and seek any clarifications directly from the teacher. Students will be held accountable for following all classroom and school rules.
Here is the Salt Lake City School District’s Board Policy S-3 on Student Conduct And Discipline.
Here is the Salt Lake City School District’s Board Policy G-19 on Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, And Retaliation Prohibited.
Here is the Salt Lake City School District’s Board Policy G-20 on Bullying, Cyber-Bullying, Hazing, And Abusive Conduct Prohibited.
West High School will help students check out a laptop if they need a computer. Students are responsible for returning this laptop in good condition. For our safety, the district monitors student use of devices. Students and families will be contacted if improper use occurs.
Teachers and classes will utilize various forms of technology. Students are required to respect and care for the technology used at school. Please report any damage or misuse of out computers and technology.
Here is the Salt Lake City School District’s Board Policy I-18 on Computer And Technology Use.
West High has occasional fees for various programs. West High follows all the policies stipulated in Board Policy S-10, which aligns with USBE standards. Students or parents/guardians may privately contact their grade-level administrator with questions about fee waivers. A fee waiver application can be found online (see below). Proper verification documentation is required to qualify.
West High believes that financial need should never be a reason to not participate in an academic opportunity. Please contact your grade-level administrator or counselor if you or your family need help with options to cover financial obligations, regardless of whether your family qualifies for a fee waiver.
Here is the Salt Lake City School District’s Board Policy S-10 on Student Fees And Fee Waivers.
Here is the Utah State Board of Education’s Fee Waiver Information.
The application for free or reduced-cost meals is separate from the application for fee waiver. Information about the free and reduced-cost school meals are available through Child Nutrition on the SLC school district website. If students and families want to apply for free or reduced-cost meals, they can do so here.
School clubs and student clubs are a fantastic way to get involved at school. A “school club” is an academic club that is tied to a specific core subject. A “student club” is a unique club, that is not necessarily tied to an academic subject. If a student wants to start a student club, they must find a dedicated teacher advisor. This can be any teacher at West High who is willing. This willing teacher must complete the required forms, which include the club’s proposed purpose, meeting location, and bylaws. All students who participate in a school club or a student club need a parent permission signature. New club applications are due by the end of September. (There is a second club application date in January.) The forms may be turned in to the Student Services office. The administrator who is over all clubs may be contacted with specific questions.
Here is the Salt Lake City School District’s Board Policy I-16 on School And Student Clubs.
All students who have a formal 504 or IEP testing accommodation may utilize them on any in-house tests, including ACT, PSAT, Aspire, RISE, AP, and IB exams. Typically, approved accommodations are submitted to the various organizations in the fall. Students may contact their counselor, IEP file-holder, or grade-level administrator if they have questions.
AP and IB exams are ordered in the fall. Students must opt in if they want to take the test. Please see our policy on fee waivers. Do not let the price of an exam to be a reason not to test. Please contact the West IB/AP coordinator if you have concerns.
Here is the Salt Lake City School District’s Board Policy I-9 on Testing.
West High School is a comprehensive high school that participates in many programs and is affiliated with multiple organizations. Below are links to the handbooks or guidelines for the governing bodies of organizations with which West High School is connected.
- Here is the West High School website.
- Here is the West Athletics website.
- Here is the West High School store website.
- Here is the Salt Lake City School District [SLCSD] website.
- Here is the SLCSD High School handbook.
- Here is the SLCSD Board Policies website.
- Here is the UHSAA handbook.
- Here is the International Baccalaureate Organization [IBO] website.
- Here is the Utah State Board of Education [USBE] website.
- Here are the SLCSD CTE website and the USBE CTE website.
- Here is the Salt Lake Education Foundation website.
- Here is the Utah State Legislature website.
No district employee or student shall be subjected to discrimination in employment or any district program or activity on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The district is committed to providing equal access and equal opportunity in its programs, services and employment including its policies, complaint processes, program accessibility, district facility use, accommodations and other Equal Employment Opportunity matters. The district also provides equal access to district facilities for all youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code, including scouting groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries and complaints regarding unlawful discrimination, harassment, and retaliation: Tina Hatch, Compliance and Investigations/Title IX Coordinator, 440 East 100 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, (801) 578-8388. You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, Denver, CO, (303) 844-5695.