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School Community Council (SCC)

What is the SCC?

Our School Community Council (SCC) is a group of parents/guardians, employees, and administrators tasked with improving the educational programs and conditions within West High School. This includes, but is not limited to, serving in an advisory capacity and oversight to the administration and school board, developing the School LAND Trust Plan to guide the spending of LAND Trust funds disbursed annually, and developing a School Improvement Plan.

School LAND Trust Fund Report

One of the most important responsibilities of the SCC is to determine how to spend the funds received from LAND Trust. For the 2023 / 2024 school year funded:

Reading literacy—$200,000 for two reading teachers
Social and Emotional Learning—$55,000 for PAC coordinators
College Access Coordinator—$35,000 for coordination & teacher stipend
Improve ACT/Aspire science scores by 5% for MLL students—$93,000 for science teacher.

How do I get involved with the SCC?

  • Become a voting member. Everyone with a student at West is welcome and encouraged to join. Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month - September through May - from 5:30-7:30. Currently, meetings are “hybrid.” you can participate in person or digitally on Zoom. Agendas with Zoom links can be found below prior to the meeting. The council is seated in September, with additions throughout the academic year if space is available. Please contact the Chair or Vice-Chair if you have questions about joining the SCC as a voting member.
    ● Attend a meeting: Our meetings are open to the public; parents are always welcome. You don’t need to sign up, just drop in! It’s a great way to find out what’s happening at West High. Towards the end of the meeting, there is an “Opportunity for the community to bring forth questions and concerns” which is your chance to have your voice heard.
    ● Contact a member of the SCC to voice your opinion. The parent members are representatives for all parents at West, and will speak for you if needed. We would love to hear from you. Email addresses for SCC members can be found to the right on this page.

West High School Community Council Meetings